Our Values

We believe at the core of every business it is all about the people. It is one thing to say it but another to operate in it on a daily basis. We consider our teams families and in many cases they actually are, we support family centered relationships in our business, if we are all going to experience the business challenges ahead might as well do it shoulder to shoulder with family! We also believe that we can take good businesses and brands and by truly growing the people you will reach a fuller potential realized by supporting and challenging the team appropriately. We are a high challenge, high support environment that knows it takes a village to succeed at growth. Ascends model of taking experienced companies who are historically under resourced, is serving underserved markets in business. By partnering with them to help the m grow their people to the next stage we can grow the individuals within the organization offering career pathing, more benefits, and participation in the parent company success which are things small business on its own does not have the reach to provide. For our collective client base service, community, quality, and accountability are our core values. Every project, every campaign, every customer receives affordable and creative solutions towards achieving their growth goals. At Ascend we want to lift up every business we come into contact with whether it is in our ecosystem, our clients, or our communities.